GPD Optoelectronics was founded in 1973 as Germanium Power Devices Corp. We began by making high-quality germanium transistors, but since the early 1980’s we have earned our place as a trusted manufacturer of both germanium and indium gallium arsenide photodiodes and multi element photodetectors.
As we gained experience, we grew our technical capabilities and production capacity, eventually doubling our size with a move to a new facility in Salem, NH.
Founded as Germanium Power Devices Corp
Introduced Ge PN Detector Products
Introduced InGaAs Detector Products
Relocated to Salem, New Hampshire- Doubling Capacity
Introduced Extended- Wavelength InGaAs Detector Products
Introduced Customizable Two-Color Detectors
Introduced InGaAs Quadrant Photodiodes
Increased Surface Mount Packaging Options
Introduced Tetralateral Position Sensors
50th Anniversary & Expansion into Second Building
GPD qualifications